Monday, 27 August 2018


An old photo of a time spent in Tarragona, Spain
Health is wealth. This is well known but probably not followed by most of the population, myself included.

I have had a knee issue for a while and had surgery very recently. I will be stuck at home for a few weeks. So far I have been watching the British Asian Summer programmes on BBCiplayer, the programmes are great and I learnt a lot about how South East Asians are making their own marks and how India itself is rapidly changing. If this interests you and you are based the UK watch the programmes before they disappear from BBCiplayer.

How do you balance your health with other demands on your life?  It feels as though societies generally put too much focus in work, financial health and  for young people being absorbed with social media, which is taking up a lot of people’s time.

I try and have a detox from my mobile phone every few months.
I’m also trying to revisit my interests which are practical like painting, making ceramics and writing. Stepping away from screens and consumerism is a Great step. Lock away your credit card from impulse buying. Impulse buying I find is only very short term saltisfaction.

I’m also trying to cultivate a small allotment and small garden with vegetables, fruit and flowers.

I’m hoping these steps will help me feel healthier and at peace with myself.

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